by today's Urban Chameleon contributor
I don’t understand why the fashion industry refuses to acknowledge the body size of the majority in America, which is bigger than a Marc Jacobs fashion model who diets on sugar free Mentos and a cigarette. I was so glad to come across this article about the first full figured fashion week emphasizing our demand for clothes that fit. I like to get my sexy on and come with it why the hell do I have to wait 5-10 business days for my sh*t to come in the mail from J Crew when there is a store down the street? Then don't let the sh*t not look right I have to go into the damn store and explain how I bought it online leaving the uncomfortable lingering assumption for the reason for my return on the cashier's face. Either deal with that or mail it back and have to pay a restocking fee! Or how about the time when I have to go to my tailor Hunhan and explain in my broken Korean how I need to expand the seams in my jeans so that when I take off my clothes I don’t have creases indented in my skin cutting off my circulation. Why the hell do we have to be subjected to this inconvenience when just plus size women shoppers are over a 25 billion dollar industry?
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