This image for Kanye West's new sneaker ad campaign is too much for me. I know when Kanye West looks into the camera during photo shoots as ridiculous as this one he is thinking
"I know you want to be me. Look how absolutely sexy I am with my sexy naked, bald woman laying across my lap resting peacefully. You know I set up the shot right, who cares if it has nothing to do with sneakers... we are hotter that Angelina and Brad."
No Kanye, what we want you to do is stop trying so hard. How many times have we seen variations of photos like these? What happened to innovative content instead of every celebrity couple competing to be the next "Hot celebrity couple. "I'm over it.
And can someone please explain why Kanye West gets so much fashion props? Those book bags be killing me, don't care if their Louis Vitton.
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